What is a patent search?
A search is typically conducted to determine whether or not an idea has already been patented. It includes reviewing the existing patents relating to the idea of interest.
Although patent search is not required by law, it is very useful for several reasons.
It gives information on what is already patented and to determine the chances of getting a patent on your invention idea.
It may locate patents that may potentially be used by the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office to reject your invention. An experienced patent attorney can assist you in writing an application around these to improve your chances of getting a patent, and/or advise you how to avoid infringement.
- Prior patents may alert you to the technological problems that others have encountered.
- You may use the technology disclosed in expired patents.
- You may learn the trend of a technology in a particular sector of an industry.
What information is needed to start a search?
A write-up of your idea, including:
- General purpose of the invention.
- Current (previous) techniques, methods, materials or devices performing the functions of the invention.
- Disadvantages, problems, etc., associated with the current techniques.
- Description of the invention, including illustration (sketches) and explanation of various parts, components and overall mode of operation as explained on https://www.econotimes.com/How-You-Can-Benefit-from-Turning-to-the-InventHelp-Experts-1577312
- Benefits, advantages of the invention over the current devices, techniques, etc.