Farming: Last hits will get you gold. Try to get the last hit as much as possible. Even in mid-game farming is still important as it is still your source of gold (it’s unlikely, you’ll be killing champions left and right). Farm well and that next item on your wishlist would be yours.
Know your place: If you’re a tank, play as a tank. If you’re a damage dealer, play like that. There have been many games where thanks to bad gameplay by the team tank, it ended pretty poorly.
If you’re a damage dealing champion, don’t go for items that boost your armor or your health. You’re supposed to be a squishy, so play slyly and let your tankier team mates take the brunt of the force. Come in with heavy nuking damage and watch as the kills stack up for your teams.
Summoner spells: Summoner spells take such a long time to recharge. Make sure you time your spells right. Flash only when you know that you’re going to get that kill for certain.
And specially use it to flash through a wall when escaping a champion chasing you. Teleport to a turret when there’s there an attack on it. But not when it’s down to almost zero health and you’d not be able to do anything.
Turret: That champion just behind that turret is low on health and it’ll probably take one hit to off him. But can you? And should you? Check your health, if you REALLY think that yes you can pop in and get a shot in, then do so by all means.
But remember that turrets pack a lot of punch and specially early game, by the time you’re out of its range it’ll have executed you. Don’t tower dive. That one kill is not worth your death.
How to be the best in LOL
LoL is a multi-player battle game, where points are scored winning each battle against the opponent team. Teams are created with the average matchmaking ratings of the players based on the ELO formula. Serious efforts are put in by players to buy ELO boost and increase their ratings to rise up in the game hierarchy or league. Often professional guidance is required for League of Legends boost and now there are numerous sites coaching you or procuring ranked players to play for you. One of the best Elo Boosting sites is by far the Elo Boost 24, and you can visit their website –, to find out what boosting services they offer.
In order to gain ELO boost you need to get into another player’s account with the aim of ‘boosting’ his or her player rating. In the league system each player is ranked at a particular level with others who possess similar playing skills. There are web portals which employ the services of players who are ranked at diamond level or higher to act as boosters and play for those seeking to upgrade to any desired higher or elite league. The nominal amount spent for ELO boosting is nothing comparable to the euphoria when you succeed in your games and ultimately become a diamond level player in this battle of the leagues. You can be completely assured about the ability of ELO boosters as there are thousands of satisfied players who have registered for League of legends boost. Their comments on the common forum of the boosting website will definitely put you at ease.