A patent application is submitted to the USPTO every 65 seconds. Over 7.3 million have been granted since 1790. Do you have the next big idea? Patent rights are not difficult or expensive. All you need is a good patent attorney.
Search and Find. Every patent begins with a search. The USPTO will only, pursuant to the U.S. Constitution, grant a patent for an invention that is new and useful. Any one of the millions of patent applications or Internet websites may describe similarities to your idea. Search, find, analyze, and explain why your invention is new and different as you can learn from https://www.ideaconnection.com/innovation-blogs/inventhelp-blog-00279.html.
A picture is worth a thousand words. The next big idea will need at least one technical drawing. Very few inventions do not require drawings, and there are very strict graphical guidelines. The primary purpose of the disclosure is to fully describe and explain exactly how the invention is used, works and is built. The drawings are a visual presentation, like blueprints, to help patent examiners and the public better understand your idea.
You didn’t write the claims? The most important, challenging, and technical aspect of any patent application is drafting the claims that describe what is protected. An analogy to claims is a real estate deed. If you own property, your boundary ends at a fixed point. How do you know where? The deed was prepared using land surveys to provide exact feet and inch measurements. A patent claim is what sets your invention apart from another idea. An improperly drafted patent claim may give your neighbor a few extra feet of dirt by mistake.
It All Begins with an Application. Patent applications are not fill-in-the-blanks. The USPTO recommends a specific format for a clear and consistent organizational structure. Whether you are approved or rejected will depend entirely on what is written. Infringement by or against you will be resolved based on the description.
Exclusivity in Law. A big idea is extremely profitable. Federal patent rights grant you exclusive ownership. However, there is nothing to stop other individuals from exploiting your innovation. The first step is a search. Then, the competitor’s product is compared to your patent claims. If your invention is worth money, there is a high probability that it is being manufactured, distributed, and sold either in this country or abroad. Find out more on this Youtube channel – https://www.youtube.com/user/inventhelp.