There are many things to consider in setting up an aquarium. First you must determine the kind of aquarium and then you need to think about the equipment, decorations, plants and other optional accessories you want to include. By making the right choice of the aforementioned things you could have the assurance of that your fish will be living well and healthy.
As far as acquari equipment are concerned, the first and most basic one is the fish tank. While you can let your pet goldfish just stay in a plain fish tank or fish bowl, it is rather quite cruel and risky. The following are equipment and their uses that most aquarium owners consider necessary:
This is what keeps you fish tank clean. It removes free-floating particles, decaying organic matters, dangerous chemicals, excess fish foods and also the fishes’ wastes. This equipment normally has three ways of filtering the water: biological, mechanical and chemical.
Biological filtration is the process of converting toxic ammonia, into Nitrate. This toxic ammonia is from the wastes of your fishes, decaying plants, excess food and dead fish. Nitrate is practically harmless but needed to be removed through regular changing of water. Mechanical filtration, on the other hand, deals with helping maintain the water clarity while chemical filtration, in simple terms somewhat purify the water put in the tank.
The substrate of your tank could depend on how you would like to decorate it. Usually, most fish don’t usually care about the stuff below them when they’re swimming. But when you choose to decorate the tank with live plants, they would need soft, warm particulate substrate. If you put gravel, make sure that they are course enough that it will not plug the filter.
The main purpose of the top or the cover is to keep your fish from jumping out of the tank. However, it could also reduce evaporation and could support lightings and hold air pumps.
Heater keeps the water in the tank in a certain temperature range. There are two kinds of heater for aquariums. First is the internal wherein the heating element is in the tank and the second is the external wherein the heating element is outside the tank.
Stands are very important because it is where you put your tank on. When choosing a stand for your tank, be sure that it is sturdy enough to hold the tank and the water it’s going to contain.
It is common for aquarium to have decorations. Decorations are important to make your aquarium look good. It also makes your fish more comfortable, giving them an almost natural environment. A well decorated tank will give your fish’s a feeling of well being and makes them feel less stressful. This therefore increases their immune system and in turn makes them more resilient against diseases.
The aquarium equipment that you may use in your tank are not limited to the equipment mentioned above. You could also add extras like the following:
- Air pump
- ChillerBuckets
- Water pump
- SiphonTimers
- Lights
- Gravel Vacuum
This extra equipment, though not necessary, will help you maintain your aquarium easier.