Your invention could be incredibly valuable to the particular market segment to which it pertains or it could be a dud. You are in a better position to evaluate that than us. Sometimes timing and luck play a significant role in bringing an invention to market. And then of course there is your commitment to the invention. Are you willing to spend the time required to promote your invention? Are you willing to spend the money necessary to pursue your invention to its logical conclusion?
One thing is very certain; your chances of success are lowest if you do not protect your invention with a well-drafted patent. In fact, your chances at licensing your invention without a patent are essentially zero (of course, there are always rare exceptions). The decision to patent your invention should not be entered into lightly, but if you are willing to devote the time, the money, the energy and the perseverance necessary to pursue your invention, the rewards can be huge, and not just in terms of money but in terms of accomplishment and you can learn how from
Obtaining a patent for your invention also plays a crucial part in the process of bringing your invention to market, especially if your goal is to license it to others. Most large corporations will not even look at your invention unless you have at least applied for a patent. If you are going to produce and market your invention, a patent is not an absolute necessity. However, if your product is successful, watch out because a well-heeled competitor may copy your product and cannibalize your market share, and there will be nothing you can do about it as was described in
To summarize, you are the key to the success of your invention. If you have a good idea along with the will and the persistence to pursue your invention, your chances of success, although not guaranteed are much improved over the typical independent inventor. Obtaining a patent for your invention is your price of admission and the first step on the road to success.